The South African Association for Energy Economics

The South African Association for Energy Economics (SAAEE) is a nonprofit, non-partisan, and impartial professional association intended to establish a national forum for energy specialists from all professions and spheres of the energy sector (academia, industry, government, private and public sector) and play an advisory role for future good decision making in policy propositions and implementations

…to establish a national forum for energy specialists

We are an affiliate of the IAEE

The International Association for Energy Economics was founded in 1977 in response to the 70’s energy crisis. IAEE is a worldwide non-profit professional organisation based in the United States, which has members in over 100 nations, who strive to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas, experience and issues among professionals interested in energy economics. IAEE actively seeks those who are interested in energy economics and those who shape opinions and prepare for events which affect the energy industry.

IAEE publishes three periodicals. “The Energy Journal” is a quarterly, academic publication available to all members. The “Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy” is a semi annual publication also available to all members. Both of these publications may be purchased by non-members through our site. The IAEE Energy Forum (newsletter) delivers the latest information on the association, and contains articles that appeal to a general audience interested in the energy field.

Membership in IAEE is open to anyone who has an interest in the field of energy economics. IAEE’s Mission Statement:

The International Association for Energy Economics is an independent, non-profit, global membership organization for business, government, academic and other professionals concerned with energy and related issues in the international community. We advance the knowledge, understanding and application of economics across all aspects of energy and foster communication amongst energy concerned professionals.

The IAEE operates through a 17 member Council of elected and appointed members. Council and officer members serve in a voluntary position and are not compensated in any fashion for their services. The Association maintains a conflict of interest policy and each officer/council member must sign and agree to this policy. The IAEE is composed of country affiliates and direct members throughout the world. Click here to see IAEE’s Affiliates.

SAAEE Vision

The SAAEE expertise is in energy economics and policy, with a focus on the South African energy sector, its linkage with the world energy markets, climate policies and the future energy scene. The SAAEE does not represent any sector of the industry, and does not promote certain technologies without scientific evidence. The discussions promote a variety of views to confront the current energy challenges that South Africa faces. The Association receives no public funding and is dependent on membership subscriptions from individuals and companies and event sponsorship to keep going.

SAAEE Activities

The SAAEE activities are designed to:

  • facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences
  • stimulate high-quality, informed, scientific and evidence-based research dialogue
  • contribute towards the improvement of public policy in energy sector
  • promote national and internatnational collaborative work with similar organizations
  • disseminate mulit disciplinary knowledge and expertise, through workshops and training opportunities
  • improve the understanding of energy econiomics of the general public
  • encourage collaboration and join prodction of scientifi product among energy specialsits
  • facilitate the global exchange of ideas in eergy economics within the netowrk of IAEE and the other affiliates
Nelson Mandela

It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.

Nelson Mandela

It always seems impossible until it’s done



Jan 2018
The South African Association for Energy Economics was established as the South African chapter of the International Association for Energy Economics
Feb 2018
South African Association for Energy Economics Bylaws were approved.
Sep 2019
The South African Association for Energy Economics hosts the first conference.